Parker promotes strong corporate governance to strengthen all aspects of our business. Upholding our reputation for business ethics, integrity, and compliance will aid our efforts to advance both our financial and ESG performance going forward. The Parker Board of Directors helps ensure that the company has and adheres to standards that promote effective decision-making and risk management.
The documents in this section outline these standards. We invite you to review them and contact us with any questions and recommendations.
Our Corporate Governance Principles provide that any shareholder or interested party may communicate directly with the Board or the non-management directors about any concerns, or to recommend a candidate to be a director nominee, by writing to the Chairman at the following address:
Parker Wellbore Board of Directors
Attn: Chairman
c/o Legal Department
2103 CityWest Blvd, Ste #400
Houston, TX 77042
United States
Questions or concerns may also be addressed to the General Counsel as follows:
General Counsel
Parker Wellbore
2103 CityWest Blvd, Ste #400
Houston, TX 77042
United States
+1 281-406-2000
All correspondence will be reviewed by the General Counsel under the specific direction of the Chairman, who will determine whether or not an item warrants consideration by the full Board, all the non-management directors, or a particular committee pursuant to criteria approved by all the of the non-management directors.